Comments : I'm Your Reason, And You Are Mine

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    There is no reason to be ashamed of this at all like Louise said. Its magnifico! lol.

    Really sad and dark though-nearly made me want to cry. You wrote this about....Carlee, didn't you?

    You're not a bad friend, at all!! Its all in the past and she's forgiven herself and you obviously. You've done so much more for her than what you've taken away. And you can just be happy that she did quit-for you. I mean, she could have just continued because it was an addiction, but she didn't. She held in there, and put the knife down. I do look up to both of you for that, I put mine down last night. But, Zac, you shouldn't be feeling this much guilt. You're the greatest thing she has, and an asset to both of our lives. Don't forget that.

    I love you to bits and pieces.


  • ...Wow...That was completely amazing. Great Job! I absolutely love it. Who is it about? Is it about Carlee?

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Hon, I don't know how you can be ashamed of this... I really don't! And, m'dear, don't you even worry about what happened. Back then I was stupid... I should have realized what was wrong and what wasn't. I slipped, it's true, but my cuts... they weren't even cuts. More like scrapes... Little tiny ones, I promise, nothing bad. I pulled out wwwaaayyy before then. I can only be sorry that I even did anything like that, but really, I promise, they weren't bad. I can only be sad that I can't be the perfect role model for you. I did what I never should have, and I regret it greatly. but, they were little, little cuts... they almost don't count. And, you arn't a bad friend. Your one of my best. Love you!

  • 19 years ago

    by xCrImSoNxTeArSx

    I don't see how you could honestly be ashamed of this poem and the rating it deserves is a five along with all of your other poems. You're a very talented writer!

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Everyone... I lied. I've never cut. I was just... stupid and immature and I lied. Just wanted to put that out there.

  • 18 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    It absolutely does not suck!!!!!!

    But i LOVE the title, LOVE the story line.
    You're so creative!