Everyone says god knows
When it is your time to go
But sometimes you must make the choice
With the color of crimson making your skin moist
Sometimes you know what is best
For your life is your test
And everyone has their time to fail
But sometimes you just wont prevail
Sometime you have felt like you have to give up
Theirs nothing else for you to do; your life is corrupt
Trust me I have felt it once before
The sounds of death have knocked at my door
And still to this day I have the vision of death
While I am lying alone with liquor on my breath
Popping pills like they are a treat
I would do anything to get rid of me
To go to the loving arms of god in the sky
Maybe this is a chance I just can notlet pass by
But the pain of seeing tears on my baby’s face
Take the vision out of my head and love is replaced
But it seems when her and I argue when we fight
It takes me one step closer to taking out the knife
Because I’m out of rope and the medicine bottles are empty
My dad’s gun is not loaded and I have no bullets with me
I just wish I could know
If there is something worth living for
I wish I knew if she would always be here
Because losing her is my only fear
But to leave her in life without me and all alone
Is something I can not do, even though I know she can make it on her own
Would she cry a tear or mourn over the loss?
Would she think of me if I was gone?
What would she do if she woke up and I was not there?
Would she even know I was gone would she live in despair?
Because to lose her would be the same as suicide
Because she is my world and without her I need no life