If Only

by Wulfpak77   Mar 22, 2005

If only there was a way
To know what we feel inside
The world would be in wonderment
of the these things we could not hide

If only there was a way
To feel complete and whole
There would never be a moment
Where we felt empty in our soul

If only there was a way
To never run and hide
Then we would never feel
Feel like part of us had died.

If only there was a way
to take away the pain
There would be no heartache
or sadness when it rains

If only there was a way
My life would be so great
Not so full of anger
and lacking all my hate

If only there was a way
To hold one so near
To fill so loved
To be finally be called my dear

If only there was a way
To not feel so empty deep inside
To not fear our friends
in which we might confide

If only there was a way
I would give me life
To end all this torment
to overcome this strife

If only there was a way
not to hate the way we feel
all the self destructing thoughts
upon us which seem so real

If only there was a way
to have a second chance
to do things over again
for that one last dance

If only there was a way
not to hate the person that is me
so full of horrid thoughts
in which my loved ones flee

If only there was a way
to take the pain away for good
to end the hurt inside
I wish I only could

If only there was a way
not to feel so lost
So isolated in the cold
so covered by the frost

If only there was a way
I could say good bye to yesterday
To leave all those memories behind
To keep them all at bay

If only there was a way
to find what’s wrong with me
why i feel the way i do
what has brought this misery

If only there was a way
I could let go of all these fears
that life would be full of love
and not my heart ached tears

If only there was a way
But I fear that there is not
I guess I will make the very best
of the life that I have already got.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Forever29

    Excellent poem. Very easy to understand and relate to. 5!