
by Tom Watkins   Mar 22, 2005

I believe in God, is there something wrong with that?
I believe in Jesus, and I really don’t care what you think!
Maybe I do get incensed when people put me down,
When they tell me I worship a God who’s nothing but a myth.
I don’t get angry because they don’t believe what I believe.
I don’t get angry because they choose not to worship God.
I get angry because they put down those who do worship God,
Angry at the hypocrisy of people who worship their own idols.
Over here we have a woman proudly displaying her many tattoos.
Over there is a man with multiple piercings and implants.
Here is a man with a lot more muscle than he has courage.
There stands a woman, starving herself to look like a model.
Here we see an actress who forgot where she came from.
Now she only associates with people of equal fame.
Over there is a business man in his high priced car,
He only wears the most expensive suits and accessories.
He, like the actress, snubs his nose at those less fortunate.
Here is a kid from the projects who wants what they have.
He resents anyone who has more money or things than he.
He is even willing to kill to take what he didn’t earn.
The homosexual takes his sexuality out of the bedroom
And marches it right down the busiest street in town.
The politician achieves public office, not to serve the people,
But to be served and to have power over the people.
Some religions worship magic, others worship science.
Some believe they’re evolving into gods themselves.
And then these same people have the nerve to chastise me.
They worship their egos, their money and their toys,
They worship their bodies as defined by popular opinion.
They say I’m weak; that I follow the writings of men.
Yet this bunch didn’t start the trends they follow.
The rich and famous only THINK they lead the way,
Just like our last generation of rich and famous.
And, of course, that trend goes back to biblical times.
They point an accusing finger and tell me I’m judgmental.
I am ridiculed for giving my life over to God,
For putting the defense for my life’s actions in Jesus’ hands.
I do not believe I can enter Heaven any other way.
Of course, I am put down for believing in Heaven.
Some people say: “I don’t need Jesus to get to Heaven.”
“I’m a good person, God will let me in even if I don’t believe.”
How are you going to find a place you don’t even believe exists?
And even if you do manage that feat, what next?
Does God decide not to judge you because you’re so special?
Or do you have so much confidence in just being you
That Jesus isn’t needed to cleanse you of your sins?
Do you think you’re capable of handling that on your own?
An attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client.
But you go for it, if this is how you think, my friend.
Continue to worship the greatest idol of all. The idol of SELF.
But do me a favor. Stop giving me such a hard time
Simply because I choose to worship God instead of Idols.
Or does freedom of choice only apply when it’s convenient.
Believe whatever you like, I’ve got no problem with that.
I don’t care which idols you choose to worship.
But don’t scream at me about your right to do so,
And then try and suppress my right to believe in God.
Contrary to this hypocrisy, it isn’t your way or the highway.
Everyone has a right to worship what they like without reproach.
Whether that be God or their own various idols.
We all worship something, and no one has the right
To tell someone else they’re stupid or delusional
For believing in, or worshiping something they don’t agree with.
We should never forget that we all have our idols.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa

    This is simply great! A fantastic message, I can really relate! A beautiful write, really!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    You express anger at other people who put you down, which is fair, but then some of your meaning is lost when you degrade those people for their beliefs aswell. E.G...
    "Some religions worship magic, others worship science.
    Some believe they’re evolving into gods themselves.
    And then these same people have the nerve to chastise me."

    Unfortunately the impact of this piece is lost because of this.

  • 19 years ago

    by Phoenix

    I enjoyed this very much

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    wonderful writing!