From The Start

by JustAFoolInLove   Mar 22, 2005

I fell for you once
but I stood once again
when I found that
my feelings didn't remain

but now I'm slipping
I'm falling once more
but it's not the same
as it was before

this time it's slow
I'm taking my time
but, these feelings are steady
becoming sublime

oh, I pray I'm mistaken
and my heart I've misread
but slowly, and surely
I can confirm what I've said

I tried not to
I tell myself 'no'
but as hard as I try
I've got no control

it's up to you, now
what you do with my heart
but I want you to know
you've had me from the start

please decide fast
my heart's hard to ignore
will you turn me down?
or love as before?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Cassandra Wojick

    I really liked it, good job

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Personally, I love your love poems the best. Romance suits you, as does dark poems, as shamefully attractive as that is, but its the romance in you that drives girls insanely jealous and wild.

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    er....why not? lol, Zaaac!! TeellLl, what will it matter to anyone if you tell? How 'bout a hint? oooOOO i love this game!! lol!!

    Grr....I'm pissed. People on the site, Ironic Allure and ThundersRose are calling me attention seeking. If you click on discussion, scroll down to the sadness and depression and click on the one thread with a ton of things like cutters, emo, SI, saltnice something like that, and if you read what I've written and what they've written, you'll see they called me attention seeking!! lol-I can't beelivee thiss!! lol-hope you come back soooooN!! love you lots hun!!


  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    cant tell you who it's about...

  • 19 years ago

    by courtney

    zac who is that about? its really really good!!!