The phantoms steely eyed present always haunts my life,
Always lurking underneath to reek havoc in pursuit of love,
Such a malevolent spirit devouring passion its only goal,
Lifetime spent evicting this menace from my lowly soul,
Thinking he is under control, I seek love, ever so bold,
Finding romance phantom brings forth demons at will,
Planting seeds of rejection, illusions of passion turn cold,
His minions infecting my mind, and turning to woman I love,
Growing fearful of my affection, refusing constant attention,
She's relentless in her pursuit to abolish me from her life-
Daggers of hate from her heart enter my body hitting hard,
Phantom reveling at his conquest depriving me once again,
Cannot defeat phantom to win freedom, to find lasting love,
Smirking hideously, he abolishes me to a crypt in his abode,
A trophy for display, another loser in the hideous game of love,
Forever spend eternity hearing faint songs of what will never be,
Phantom of Love shall be defeated eventuality, can you help me?