Hold on

by katie!   Mar 23, 2005

Although the road may seem cold and dark
Your life it may be filled with pain
Keep going, keep your head up, keep searching
You never know, you might be happy again

Never give up, and find this happiness
It is hidden inside you somewhere
This goodness which is worth fighting and dying for
It will always, always be there

Find a ray of hope, and cling on to it tight
Do not let it fall away
Find a small means of happiness, to make you feel good
Tell people who you love, "I love you" every day

Hold on, no matter how much you want to go
Hold on for your family and friends
Stay here, and maybe you will find
That everything is alright in the end

Smile, a true smile and laugh a true laugh
Live every day like your last
Even if it just for a few minutes or seconds
Try to forget, just for a bit, about your past

Never let go, Never give up
Theres people who love so much
They will stick by you no matter what you do
They long for you, and for your touch

So stay on more day, look at all the good things
Love, hope and happiness you can find
Birds singing, people laughing and smiles and goodwill
Will release you from your cold mind

*I'm probably being hypocritical writing this, as I do not feel like it, But I thought I would give other people some inspiration*


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Great!!! i loved it

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaylee

    So stay on more day
    I htink you meant stay on one more day :)
    This poem was inspirational even if you didn't feel taht way at the time. When you've basically been kicked around by people it's hard to smile a true smile without always wondering whether it's even real or not.
    There were a few things that felt awkward but that's usually because of a missing letter like it=its etc.
    Other than that, it really was a good poem just like the rest of yours.

  • 19 years ago

    by broken angel

    I like this alot, it really struck a chord for me. I hope it can do the same for alot of people. FYI I added you as a favorite

  • 19 years ago

    by rar

    This was a really good poem and also insperation. it made me want to try better in life.

  • 19 years ago

    by rar

    Hey this is a good poem