It was a mistake

by Fabre   Mar 24, 2005

I thought about dieng i wanted to end my life so bad
but i never thought what it would be like if i was glad
i stood staring into the mirror at my face, tearing
but i never thought what it would be like not fearing
everyday is pain and sorrow when i look at you
but i never thought what it would be like living too
you make me sick to my stomache when i see your face
but i never thought what it would be like living in a happy place
i cry and cry looking down at my blood covered wrists
because i never thought what it would be like not being pissed
i ask myself why i cut and cut till i couldnt anymore
because i never thought what it would be like not being tore
but its too late i have made a terrible mistake
because i never thought what kind of strength itd take


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