Living With Your Best Friend & The Competition

by FireCracker   Mar 24, 2005

Finally you got it
Finally you win
I can’t take the pressure
So screw it I give in

Im sick of the completion
And all the stuff you have that I lack
I mean I thought we were friends
You know suppose to have each others back

But living together
Is harder then planned
I mean everyone else thinks it’s so cool
But really they don’t understand

I fell like im in a battle
But I know im going to lose
And to go on any longer
I simply refuse

You do everything like me
Yeah at first it was cool but now it’s intimidating
I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore
It’s at the point to where it’s becoming infuriating

Forfeit from this never ending fight
Please just let me be
I’ve been badly bruised up and emotionally scared up
Can’t you see?

Each day it gets harder
And hurts so much more
I don’t even want to be in this situation
What did I get in it for?

I feel like you’ve taken everything over
And just pushed me aside
Now im left in a corner all by myself
Desperately trying to hide

It’s hard to describe
I feel like Im in a contest with no chance to win
All im trying to do is be me and be different
Why is that such a sin?

All my friends are now yours
I have nothing of my own
And since you’ve moved in
Our friendship is opposite of grown

Im not saying I don’t love you
Or care for you in ever way
Im just saying that I need to be who I am
And I need you to be yourself and not like me, that’s all im trying to say

I know you all probably think Im being selfish
Thinking of nothing but me
But Im not the only one who thinks that
You should be yourself and quit taking from my personality

See before everyone loved me because
I was myself and no one else and that’s the way it use to be
But now Im seen as your follower
Because now you’re my “mini-me”

I can’t take the pressure
Or this unbearable pain
Any more of this so called “competition”
Literally, Im going to go insane

I know you are better
You’ve proven that you win
I gave up on it a long time ago
So please just surrender and yourself give in


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  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Hmmm Maybeth this piece was great hun - Ive had a few friendships similar in my own travels - sometimes they can get to be a lil too excessive. You descirbed that situation and the emotions to match with perfection darling keep it up!