I love you just a little bit,
and I can't seem to get over it.
I know i can't be with you,
so i don't know what to do,
it just makes me feel so blue.
We talk over the internet,
but it's not enough just yet.
I know I am much younger,
and that I'm states away,
but I can't feed off this hunger,
so won't you come and stay?
I hope that you will think it through,
cause i really want to be with you.
I know it could be months or years,
but you cover and conquer all my fears.
You help me feel good
and safe
in the most least likely-hood
and place.
I know I can't be with you,
it just makes me feel so blue,
where I don't even know what to do,
and I know what your going to say,
but why does it have to be this way?
I know it sounds cheesy,
but please believe me,
its true: i love you