Just One Drop?

by JustAFoolInLove   Mar 25, 2005

Come, release
I’m hurting deep
I’m lost when I’m awake
But also during sleep

There’s no escape
But you know the way
Let this blade feast
And make my flesh a buffet

I’ll go until I’m weary
Then rest empty veins
And sleep quite contently
Having thrown off old chains

Now I’d give live
Or death for redemption
I’m through bearing pain
To experience exemption

Just one drop of blood
That’s my only request
For that’s all I need
To kill the pressure in my chest

If a picture holds a thousand words
Then this drop releases a world of sorrow
And it’s worth the lack of gratification
That I’ll receive tomorrow

It’s worth feeling pain
And internal death
To feel this leave
My every breath

Just a prick
With a needle so fine
And blood and forgiveness
Will intertwine

Flowing freely
A cut so wide
But my heart’s unhappy
I’m not satisfied

Why’d I do it?
I’m hooked once more
I just don’t want it


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  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    This has got to be the 94831751591874091 poem that i've read of yours that has been a dark poem.
    Its 11:30 here and I get very depressed easily at night. its kinda unhealthy, but gee. the things I do for you.

  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    i felt it, too... i'm shivering and soaking everything... i wont cut... i know that hailie's a big reason i stopped, and i'm gonna keep going with that for her... sierra, good luck... i'll have the same nightmares...

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Zac, there's nothing I can do. I've cried and I'll contine to cry and write poems, but we have to be strong. Zac, I love you and all, but as ex cutters, we have to stay that way for Hailie. I know for sure she would have wanted it.

    Its late here and I should be going to bed and dream nightmares about a girl i knew at heart, but never knew at all. :*-(. Love you so much Zac.

    Is it just me, or did the atmosphere just get cold?*tear*

  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    no.... this cant happen... sierra, hailie cant go, not her. she's too strong! why her?! it's so wrong.... i wish i could trade lives with her... she doesnt deserve that....

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Steph left me this message earlier telling me that she needed me because Hailie was hurt badly because of her father, so I left several messages and wrote her this poem, Stay Strong (to Hailie), Stph told me that she gave Hailie a hug for me and she told me that Hailie would read my poem later. About an hour ago I checked my thing and Hailie left me this message that said Sierra...I'm sorry I love you...I'm sorry.

    That scared the hell out of me as it was, so I clicked on her sn and read her poem and literally screamed. She can't be dead.