My Last Night

by tashhh   Mar 26, 2005

I know it is long. But please read and comment/vote. It is really how I feel and it means alot to me. Thanks

I am tired of these roomers spreading. And how everyone is betting.

They think I will end my life, with that one magical knife.

Well here my friend is the truth. About what happened behind that booth.

You all thought that I was happy and glad to be alive. Well looks like you were wrong cause all I do is strive.

I am sick of living one big lie. You all say just cry.

It helps everything, you all say. Well I will remind you just today.

Crying does not help it all. Especially when one tends to fall.

Cutting is a solution that helps me. So why cant you let me be?

When will you all finally see, theres nothing that you can do to me?

I am helpess and lost. Hiding behind this frost.

Behind that booth I cut myself. And there is nothing you can do to help.

Maybe try and love me, but who knows that may not be.

No one understand the person that I have come to be. And they will never understand me.

So please just give up hope. Cause I cannot cope.

So behind that booth, I also told him the truth.

Now he hates me, and he never wants to be.

The truth was dreadfull but true. I am now just a lost who.

No longer do I have him to hold in my arms so tight.

And this will be my last night. Of pain and misery. So just let me be.

I am done pretending. There is no such thing as a happy ending.

Tonight I will die, please oh please do not cry.

My life is over and done, just look bright to the sun.

Remember the good things about me, do not dread to see.

Promise me you will not hurt yourself with that knife. Cause believe me, it will end your life.


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