Broken Generation

by The Flame Within   Mar 26, 2005

Smack, boom, crack, brake
stop it for goodness sake

yell, scream, shout, roar
this generation cant take it anymore

hit, punch, slap, kick
this generation was beaten with a stick

leave, go, walk, run
don't you dare call me your son

cry, cut, draw, write
this generation has to fight

scared, upset, angry, sad
this generation is getting mad

stop, no more, leave us alone
not even safe in our own home

this generation must not give in
people...stop beating your children


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  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    That was really good lov it, xoxo Rach

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Hey, Nick, I'm crying really, really hard right now. I'm sure you know that my Nana is the only one I felt I ever had, right? Well if you didnt, I just told you. Well in the discussion board, she insulted me in front of everyone and told me I should be ashamed of myself and that I'm disgraceful. *tear* I didn't do anything, but if you want to read it, just go to the top where it says discussion, click on that, scrolll down, click on Sadness and Depression and when you see a whole bunch of topics, click on the one that says MY Mom Hates Me. My Nana's sn is AngelsNana.

    I can't believe this!! *tear*

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Mel, I completely agree.. I'm sorry though!!

    Nick, I admire your ability to trust people. I hate it that I'm the way I am. I hate myself for that, but I'm protecting myself that way. I don't think you understand, Nick, I have secrets, if you couldn't tell by my poems, that will literally have me killed if they get out! I was stupid to give someone that power and that person just happens to be one of those girls who abandoned me when I first started to cut. I'm living in fear every day that if i tick her off once more, she'll tell. I know she hates me, Nick, she told me she wanted me to die a horrible, bloody, death. Call me crazy, but that does affect my love life.

    I never know if I can trust someone despite how sweet to me they are off the bat. I never know if they will turn on me. All I want, is to have someone, girl or guy, to talk to when I need one. For the rest of my life, who won't judge me by what I do or what I did, or my history or even what i was raised around. Today, people seem to be doing that left and right. I love you too Nick, I just can't fall. If I fall, I'll blow my composure, and that's the most important thing to me. If my heart bursts one more time, I'll have a mental breakdown. You'll never know how strong I really have to be, and how strong I am right now, not very. You're so sweet to try to be there for me, but I need a shoulder to cry on when I can't take it. No one can do that anymore because their reputation is at stake. :*-(.

  • 19 years ago

    by The Flame Within

    hey sorry pple i g2g, peace out god bless and keep the faith. i hope you find love Sierra. i love you lots aite.


  • 19 years ago

    by The Flame Within

    true i have been known to over trust pple. but everyone has a weakness. but i would rather trust every person in this world then trust no one. because i want someone who can trust me also. love has to do a lot with trust. you have to be honest to the person you love. and that person must trust in you no matter what. i really hope that you find love some day. even against your wish to die alone. i hope a guy will love you so much. always remember that a guy alreay does ok. i luv u lots aite. i have faith in you my friend. you have no idea. i know you are strong, and i hope you only get stonger, but you dont have to be strong in front of every person. let love come to you and let it come over your heart. i didnt leave you when you told me you cut. im still here. i want to be your friend. i want to love you. i want to help.