Playin Cowboy

by Ashley Redden   Mar 27, 2005

His dusty hat,Faded jeans,and Bloodshot eyes
Purdy much shows who he is
She didn\'t care
An ole cowboy was just a dream of young girls then
They started to hang round each other
Started to see one another more and more
Soon they settled down in a house just rite outta town
Where life got a Lil\' rough
Then he started his rodeo life on the road
Left her lonely at home most the time
And the closest thing to being with em is the late nite calls
Listening to how he missed her wishing she was there
Or how the rodeo was and his high score and the good ride
But she hung in there and enjoyed it all
Cause all shes got just bout everything she wanted in life
Her cowboy came home had gotten drove by a bull
Stopped his traveling fer a few weeks
So he started a small job there in town
Working on cars just to make ends meet
Not long after
A Lil\' one was on the way
About the time he was ready to hit the road again
Was rough on him and her both
They were still quite young
But they managed to make it
And he decided just to stay home
Hes well known
Got quite alot of things to remember
Of what he achieved in life
Before he settled down
Their Lil\' mans growing up on em
He\'s his daddie made over
Years have past now and hes bout 9
Hes starting his rodeo life
Says he going to be just like dad
Hes won Jr riding and going the finals this weekend
Hes made it up there
10 years gone by now
Hes making his dream come true
Just like dad
Hardheaded,Stubborn,and Hard to beat
Calls and lets mom and dad know how hes making it
Where he stands in all the finals
Finds his love of his life and settles down
Just like dad all the memories just keep on


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