
by Chris   Mar 27, 2005

For the hours spent at this computer screen
For the days lived inside my head
For all the months I've spent alone
For all the years I've been dead
For every night I waste asleep
For every day I waste awake
For every time I lose my sight
Of the fantastic dreams I make

This is for those who touched my life
This is for every one of you
For those I dragged into my world
And for those who never knew
For all the compassion of strangers
And the steadfastness of friends
You will all be remembered
For the time you were willing to spend

This is for my parents
For the silent hours they let me be
For understanding what I couldn't say
And for the years they gave to me
This is for every time you looked away
And let me learn things for myself
You really did a great job
You were always there to help

This is for my sister
I shared with you my childhood
My worst enemy and closest friend
And the one who always understood
I was jealous of your superiority
With your intelligence and grace
But now I’m just happy I’m your brother
And this is not a race!

This is for my best friend Dec
The road we walked was long
And along the way I faltered
And it was you who stayed strong
You always said we were brothers
And I never doubted it was true
For after every mistake I made
Nobody was there like you

This is for my girl Mandy
Yes, you are still my girl
Even though we’re separated
By more than half a world
You’re the reason I’m still here
And the logic behind all I do
And every time I’m defeated
I only have to think of you

And so ends my tribute
To those I hold dear
And there are many more
I haven’t mentioned here
For all my unsung heroes
You know who you are
If you hadn't been in my life
I wouldn’t have got this far

Thank you


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  • 20 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    Very sweet... you have a pure heart, and this poem was a delight to read.
    Anyone close to your heart is very lucky to have you.

  • this is really good. Your a good writer.

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