
by Leesandra   Mar 28, 2005

I slashed a knife threw my skin,
It felt good to see my skin rip,
The cut was wide open,
As I watched my blood drip,

Blood just went everywhere,
It was the best feeling I could receive,
Especially seeing that it kept bleeding,
It was something I would not retrieve,

I picked up the knife to cut again,
I needed to find more pain and blood,
And it even felt better as I pressured the knife,
Before I knew it I had my own blood flood,

I watched my arm again,
And saw all these long scars,
I started getting dizzy,
And everything began to go far,

I tried thinking what was wrong,
But nothing came to mind,
I tried thinking back,
But my brain wouldn’t rewind,

Before I knew it I was in a deep sleep,
I would have thought am I alive or dead,
But no one really cared,
And nothing still hasn’t been said,


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  • 19 years ago

    by rebelsuicide

    i relly like that it was good... i have been like that and i still am i know how it is i an going through it so keep it up

    =^-^= Tonya =^-^=

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