Reaching Out

by Emma Carnage   Mar 28, 2005

It changes color
Once it dries
It changes
And becomes impure
Like the sky darkening
And becoming night
It always happens
You can’t stop it

But I’ve realized
That once the night is over
The light comes again
And I realize
I can make it pure again
Although I’ve already lost something
I can bring more
I can bring purity
Into my life

All it takes
Is another night
Leaving me alone
Leaving me broken
Feeling like nothing is right
That’s when I remember
I can make things pure
All I have to do
Is pick up the knife
Pick up the scissors
And soon enough
It’ll all be pure

I say “it was a mistake”
And I say
“I didn’t know what I was doing”
It used to be this way
When I never realized
How pure I was making things
But now it’s different
And I know perfectly well
I hold total control

I could have stopped
I knew what I was doing
I told myself
“I should call someone
I should get help”
But I ignored those thoughts
Because deep down
My mind was talking
It was telling me
That no one has to know

I didn’t plan on this
Didn't plan to confess
I was going to keep it in
Explain it another way
But it’s eating me up
It’s killing me inside
And maybe
This is my way
Of reaching out
And saying I need help
Saying I want help
Saying I can’t stop this
On my own


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  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    thanx. i think i'll be all right eventually. i'm just going through a rough streak. and no, that wasn't offensive about the prayers. the only thing that bothers me is preaching. i'll try the ice thing next time though.

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    I hope so, chica, because I cannot stand to see people hurt so bad. I'm worried about you babe, and although I know you don't believe in it, you're in my prayers... Is that too offensive to say? Hmm, let me know so I don't have you shutting me out as something... Anyway, I hope you are ok. talk to someone... anyone... if you ever feel the urge. Get a piece of ice, and squeeze it with your hand, hard. I heard that works pretty well... Well, lyl, girlie!

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    yeah, it's about cutting, like most of my poems seem to be. thanx for worrying. i have thought about telling my parents, but i don't think i can. maybe if i break down at school again i'll just tell the councelors and they'll tell my parents. next time i break down, i'll tell them..

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Is this about cutting, hon? I am ALWAYS here for you if you need help. Have you thought about talking to your parents, or the school? There's some great hotlines with people that just listen to you and help you... Oh, hon, I hope you are ok. Hang in there!