My Spirit

by ChildofGod87   Mar 29, 2005

Spirit of my soul
Opening to the beauty
Of the my own world of life!
I'm opening the door
And see you standing there
So heart melting that only
You & I know what's right for tonight!!

Passion can flow
Caring can heal the damages
Sweet touches that can
Break the insecurity!!

I hope I bring you a light
I hope I shine through
Your pain, sadness, or anything
Because my own light is special
And some people see it but then
They don't get the guts to see it!!

-x-Dedication to Bryan-x-


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  • 19 years ago

    by Phoenix

    This was good,keep on writing

  • 19 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Hey, if you are getting this it is because I like your poem, lol, keep it up!!! YEAH!
    Ill be posting a new poem up soon “Dear Journal”, so look out for it. When I do, could you plz read it as well as rate/comment it. Thank you, it is much appreciated.

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Loved it, You sound so happy and I'm happy for you. Get her done, you go girl. Hugs, lol, *Ann*