When i cut my wrist

by Dondrey   Mar 30, 2005

I sit there on the cold hard wood floor
Tears running down my face
I don't fit in to this world
Will i ever find my place?

You don't love me any more
You hate me with a passion
So as i think of this with the knife at my wrist
I wonder why it had to be like this

Why couldn't you just love me the way i love you
Why couldn't u just be with me
Why couldn't you be true

The clear tears running down my face
Make me wonder if i will ever fit in to this place
I finally realize that i never will
So i press hard on my wrist with that cold hard steel

I sit and watch the blood stream down my wrist
All i wanted was one last kiss
Finally all the pain is gone
Because when i cut my self, its easy to move on


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