Let Me Go

by The Flame Within   Mar 30, 2005

Why wont you let me go home
when i am here i feel so alone
I'm not yours to own
i see through all the fake love you have shown
they say home is where the heart is
thats not here, i don't want this
why don't you just understand
you treat me like I'm 4 when I'm almost a man
I'm 5'11 200 hundred pounds,as strong as an ox
and you still want to help me put on my socks?
why didn't you help me when i was four
o i remember, you where busy beating me on the floor
so why the change of heart, why are you trying to be nice
you seem to just turn my heart to ice
i see through the smile on your fake face
what a waste
theres not a trace of love in this place
just let me go, i don't want to come back
ill still talk whenever i see you, that is a fact
i have learned now, to forgive and to forget
but you have not stopped hurting me yet
why cant you accept this fate
your lucky i am forced to see you by the state
do not think that i wanted to see you is the reason that i came
because like when you had beaten my face, now you beat my heart the same


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  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    omg...i love it! excellent and very compelling writing!!