
by eternal rest   Mar 30, 2005

They sit us down,
Scan the bar codes
Tattooed on our hands.

We’re run by robots,
Emotionless machines
They share no feelings,
No regret, no remorse.
Glee nor happiness found
On the pounded, shaped metal
They call faces.

We’re known by numbers,
Names have we none.

We stand and salute
The man we know as
Creator of the robot-controlled
Communist society.

Saying the pledge
We know so well
In unison,
One voice.

“Names show individuality,
Individuality is difference,
Difference is commotion,
Commotion is no control,
No control is anarchy”

*just a view of what we might become some day if we're not careful*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Wow, interesting viewpoint. I liked the flow and form... Great job.