A New Life [please tell me what you think =) ]

by Jesusfreak   Aug 18, 2003

While a young girl walked along the beach one day, she thought about her life.
About all the ups and downs, and about all of the strife.
She realised that up till then her life had been a mess.
All of the sin in her life had taken over and now she was distressed.
All her problems had hurt the ones she loved, and now, they were no longer there.
They’d had enough of her complaints and given up on her without a prayer.
All this thought had made her think that she was someone not needed,
Someone who, no one loved and whom all people mistreated.
This young girl made up her mind; she had to get rid of the pain.
In her mind, she conceived a plan, which would get right to that aim.
A cliff in the distance caught her attention and she trudged towards it slowly,
Walking along had made her realise that all people thought she was lowly.
She tiptoed quietly towards the edge and looked forward, straight ahead,
And just as she was nearing it, a loud voice filled her ears and said,
“My child, you are created by Me, and are living to fulfill My plans.
You are just a child and I will forever hold you in My hands.
Take Me into your heart, and make me your Lord and Savior,
Because a long time ago I died, to do you a favour.
I died on a cross, a horrific death, and took on all your sins.
I paid the price so when it’s time to go to Heaven, you will be let in.
Will you take me into your life and let me provide for you?”
The young girl looked to Heavens and shouted “YES” toward the blue.
There was now no need to end her life, for she had just started anew.
She walked backwards, away from the cliff and silently prayed, “Jesus, I love you.”


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  • 16 years ago

    by DatHoodBarbiieKristen

    I absolutely LOVEE dis poem

  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    Wow...Your are certainly an amazing person, and I love ur poems so much...You have a great talent, and I'm sorry to say but I really don't have God in my life as much as I should, and I really wish I did,...I hope to change my life soon. I'm 15 years old, and I have never read the bible, but I claim to be saved...Its weird. I'm going to church tonight @ 6 , and I have been there before...But I have never really showed my faith in God, and how much I love him...One day I will and one day I will live my life in how it was supposed to be lived. Cherishing him and worshipping him. I love you so much...God Bless...

    Plz Email me Sometime...I would love to talk to you.....