Comments : A New Life [please tell me what you think =) ]

  • 21 years ago

    by Danielle

    Wow...Your are certainly an amazing person, and I love ur poems so much...You have a great talent, and I'm sorry to say but I really don't have God in my life as much as I should, and I really wish I did,...I hope to change my life soon. I'm 15 years old, and I have never read the bible, but I claim to be saved...Its weird. I'm going to church tonight @ 6 , and I have been there before...But I have never really showed my faith in God, and how much I love him...One day I will and one day I will live my life in how it was supposed to be lived. Cherishing him and worshipping him. I love you so much...God Bless...

    Plz Email me Sometime...I would love to talk to you.....

  • 17 years ago

    by DatHoodBarbiieKristen

    I absolutely LOVEE dis poem