
by rainbowfairy   Aug 18, 2003

I was lost in you,
for so long I lived my life through you
living only in the moment of you,
breathing only when you said i love you
i didn't want to think about the future. because i was afraid you wouldn't be in it
I couldn't move because the pressure of your love crushed me.
I look back and wonder how i could have wasted so much of my life, how i could have hurt so many people over you?
maybe i thought you were the one.
maybe i fought to much to keep a love that never really existed.
when we broke up i felt very little pain, only relief.
i felt like i had finally came up for air, and the air smelled so sweet.
i am my own person again, not just somebodys girlfriend.
for the first time in a long time, i feel free.

This isn't really a poem, just some thoughts of mine on a rainy day here in kentucky. this site is like therapy for me, so i hope this might help someone else.


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  • 21 years ago

    by ShorteeRocc

    I really like tht poem. I feel da same way right now; how u felt in da beginnin w out realizin it cost u so much