Wish there was something you could do

by Sarah   Mar 31, 2005

At first its alright to cry
But after that they think your love will die
And everyone expects you to be OK
even though your first love has just gone away

No one thinks that three months later you'll still feel pain
And be wishing he would come back again and again
And that every time you see him and look in his eyes
All you wanna do is break down and cry

And that every night when your home alone
You'll be wishing and waiting by your phone
Hoping he will call though you know he never will
Pain and sadness is what you still feel

And everyday you look at the picture of you two
Wishing there was something you could do
And when you close your eyes you pray his face will fade
But in your heart he will always stay

Sitting down you start to cry
Wondering and asking you self why
Why didn't he love me too
Wish there was something i could do


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