Conversations With Shadows

by Aubrey   Mar 31, 2005

There's a thought I can't erase
It digs deep into my soul
I use to be able to sleep
Now I'm outa control

I see my reflection in the mirror
But it's not looking back
Her eyes have a shine of hatred
In her stare that's pure black

I'm alone in my room
It's the destiny I chose
I have no place in this world only
Conversations with shadows

Since the thought is still here
But I'm not sure of its face
I'm sure within the future
I'll be strong enough to erase

As the night begins to fade
And the light shines through
I realize my conversation with shadows
Are my conversations to You


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  • 19 years ago

    by hazel

    I really really like this poem it makes me think of things that ive held in and havent told people*(like mah ex)* idunno it just makes me think about the TRUTH....check mah 2 new ones out!!! much luv

  • 19 years ago

    by Lola Granny

    This is a excellant poem ^555

  • 19 years ago

    by Tainted Beauty

    hey omg this is an awesome poem you are extremly talented and i love the way you write wow 5/5


    ps. thanks for the comment on my poem "Why"

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Great job, you truly have a lot of talent. enjoyed. hugs, lots of love, *Ann*

  • 19 years ago

    by codey

    this is a great poem, your really good at writting keep it up,and stay out of harms way,
    -LoVe FrOm CoDeY-