You’ve become my world
I created you
And I made you grow
Now you’re taking over
And washing away
Everything else
Before all you did
Was calm me down
And help me relax
But you gave up on that
And you’re doing more
Now when I make you
I’m looking for more
Than just a calming touch
That only works for so long
Before it wears off
And I create more
I’ve found out now
That you erase my world
And draw yourself
In its place
So now all there is
For me to worry about
Is this simple line
Across my skin
You cover up my problems
All except one
You put yourself in their place
But it’s so much easier
To just have you there
And everything is simple
Because now it’s only you
It’s so much easier for me
To just have you
Just one simple problem
Instead of the masses
So that’s why I did it
That’s why I cut again
Because when you’re here
Everything is simple
You are my world