
by Tiera   Apr 1, 2005

I can't stop crying.
But what good does crying do?
For the tears don't wipe away
the residue of pain
left on my heart.

What good comes out of crying?
Tears do nothing more than streak my face.
For after the streams of tears have dried,
my problems.. you can still trace.

Tears gossip
they spread secrets, they're not supposed to tell.
What good does crying do,
if all tears do is tell on you?
Lord, I'm just going to trust in you.

Why should I waste my breath on crying?
Tears don't solve a thing.
Tears just add to the pain,
with all of the sorrow they bring.

Tears fall incessantly.
They dance along my skin.
They slide down my Carmel cheeks
over, and over again.

But after they dry up
I still feel the same.
And the hurt, the sorrow, the pain...
yes, it all remains.

So what good does crying do?
Tears do nothing more than streak my face.
For after the streams of tears have dried..
my problems you can still trace.

So why cry?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Razorblade

    That was a good poem. Great job!


  • 19 years ago

    by wicked with wings

    that was really good tiera, its really good the way that you use ur words...i love this poem.. i gave you a 5....and if there were higher ratings u would get the highest. well im off to read more, thanx for filling muh day with good poems to read!