Comments : Poem For You

  • 19 years ago

    by Barbara Jean

    this is very interesting poem. who is this to? someone really close to you? i like to get into the meaning of poetry sometimes. i enjoyed this. 5 always. good job!! excellent!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Shelby G.

    We have a unique friendship
    We're so different, yet so much the same
    We share favorite colors
    And there's a rhyme when you say our names.

    That almost made me laugh. :P Thats so cute

    This poem is so amazing, like most of your others. 5/5 without a doubt

    oh yeah, I also liked this:

    If I kept on writing
    And said all I wanted to say
    I'd bore everyone to death
    And just sit here at my desk all day.

    I was smiling through the whole poems, magnificant might cover what i think about this poem. Keep it up :P

  • 19 years ago

    by chfj4

    I love this poem also, just as good as the other one. i don't know exactly who it is but i'll hazard a it your little brother? pssst, send me the answer! cool poem, 5/5.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    This is a great poem really, i could so see it being like a cute little song sung by an emo band. i really liked it good job 5/5