I knew a girl once

by hussain   Apr 3, 2005

I knew a girl once
She meant a lot to me
And life without her
I could never really see

Her dark brown hair so sleek
Like the finest silk ever made
Shimmering in the sunlight
Even when passing through shade

Her dark brown eyes so lustrous
Sparkled like the northern star
With diamonds embedded therein
I could see them from afar

Her beauty was unmatched
Pleasing to the eye
Yet toxic to the heart
That made me weak and shy

Her fair skinned body so ravishing
Glowing with nourishing radiance
As the Shine of her marrow glimmering
Through her body giving off a fine fragrance

Her luscious lips so fulsome
That brought out an infectious smile
The sounds of her soft seductive voice
That clouded my mind a while

Her personality so appealing
She was kind, sweet and smart
Always bringing joy and laughter
Something which captured my heart

I knew a girl once
She meant a lot to me
I always will miss her
Now my heart is free


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  • 16 years ago

    by hussain

    Thankyou Zeenat for you comment
    This poem was talking about my desire for this girl at the time we had were friends who fell out, later after we were friends again i showed her this poem. It won here over but it didnt last. She is a now in my past.

    Thank you for all tour comments, as she did read them too an found out what was right infront of her. Shame it didnt last though.

  • 17 years ago

    by W0rld 0f t3ars

    Wow!!! I like this poem alot. The girl you probally dedicated this to is a lucky grl. Good luck to u and her, if it still lasts. 5/5 again, great =)

  • 18 years ago

    by We Miss You Shannon

    This is great! kinda hard to follow but i think it great!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda Bee

    This was really sweet. I love the last for lines. Great work, Hussain!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kara !

    This is so truely wonderful. You've caputured a brilliant image. Well done :)