Why Must...?

by 1angryBrokenHeart   Apr 4, 2005

Why must I be the way i am?
A man who on his own can barely stand.
Why must I be the one knows all when in actuality I know nothing at all.
Why must I try to be perfect and hold my head up high?
Why do i hold myself with such tremendous pride?
Why do I love now, when before I would not belive;
That something that was oh so pure could touch my life so incredibly.
Why do I not listen to you,
when you are the one who knows best.
You know me better than anyone;
Finally something I will admit.
These are just a few of the question that have came to mind
and I thought I would give you the answer and shed in a little light.

I can barely stand on my own two feet because by myself i am not whole. you are the other half of me, The connection to my soul.

I hold my head high with pride because I don't like to show,
that nothing else can affect me and if it hurts,
i'll just let it go.

I love now because you found me,
and brought me back from hell.
You put that fire back inside of me, the fire that only true love knows.
I love you because....You put up with me yet i do the same with you. For every imperfection you have, the love i have for you grows more.
I love you know because you stuck with me,
when most people thought to flee,
and I do appreciate your patience;
I know it was hard waiting around for me.

I know that im not perfect babe,
and the chances you gave me were too many to count,
but I finally realize that I love now with no doubt.
I ask you to forgive me and I do hope you see
that i'm here waiting for you ,
willing to give up everything.

I tell you all these things now to let you see inside-
the man that loves you more than anything and who's love continues to grow.


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  • 19 years ago

    by DeepSoul

    Great Job, Your girlfriend's lucky. I just left this guy because he couldn't accept my imperfections, and he wanted me to change who i was for him. A person can only change so much. Ya know? Well, again, you did a great job. please comment on my poems. just type in "waiting4prince~charming" kay? thanx!
    Much love~Kim

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    hey, I should say again that you express your feelings wonderfully.
    Thanks for sharing it. wish you the
    best, Marjan