Sometimes I Wonder

by eternal rest   Apr 4, 2005

Sometimes I wonder,
What I did to deserve
This life.
The pain and hate
So much of which I’ve got.

Then I look around,
And see the people
I care about.
The people who are in more pain
Than I could ever imagine.

I see them cry,
Stumble and fall.
Aching blood,
Death and all.

It is then when I realize,
My life’s not so bad after all.
But theirs however,
Is a catastrophe.

I’ve dedicated
What life I have
To those who need me most.
To the people I love
With all my heart
Forever and always.

*this is one of those poems where you know what you want to say... but not how to say it... fleh...*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    I think you did good expressing your feelings! I liked it, great job...