Let Me Be There

by Emma Carnage   Apr 5, 2005

Everywhere I go
People are lying
Everywhere I look
People are crying

Something’s wrong
In everybody’s life
So many people
Are turning to the knife

I was with them before
I was going through it too
But now things are getting better
For me, but not for you

I want to help, I really do
But everything I try
Seems to do nothing
I just don’t know why

I want to be there for them
But they keeping pushing me back
Whenever I reach out
Their heart turns black

Tell me what I can do
You won’t let me be there
You may not believe it
But I really do care
So Please
Let me be there


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  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    no, it never felt like you were pushing me away. this poem is to a lot of people. yes, you're one of the people, but the pushing away part wasn't you. don't worry.

  • 19 years ago

    by eternal rest

    aww... its pretty. i love it. and im sorry if it ever seemed like i pushed you away. it was never intended.