by Ann Stareyes Apr 6, 2005
category :
Miscellaneous /
Misc. poems
So many Shining Stars, |
by HottChic
Love your poem very true |
by Amanda Bee
Beautiful. I loved this poem. Good work! By the way thanks for the comments on my poems. You rock! |
Why on Earth did I miss this peice, my faves page didn't bring it up...grrr...anyways, nice job Ann, you are very insightful my love =D lol |
by HJ
Such a wonderful heartfelt poem...I agree with Andrea so inspiring. Very thought provoking with so much visionary passion. |
by Cheyanne
Awww, I wuved it! LoL, no really. It was so amazing, I can see where you're coming from. :) |