I know you need her
Like I need you
But I`d rather see you happy
Than for you to be blue
So I`m going to dry my tears
And quit feeling sorry for myself
I`m going to step aside and let you love her
I know it`s what you want
I know she`s all you need
But I want you to start loving her
And to quit liking me
But if things between her and you don`t work out
Don`t come running back to me
Thinking I`m your *rebound*
I`m not going to be used
After she gets tired of you
I was here all along and what do you do?
You keep liking her knowing she'd break your heart
But you knew I would never do that
Right from the start
You let yourself fall effortlessly for her
I was just here to help you up
So don`t come running back to me
When you and hers time is up
Because eventually I won`t be around
And you`ll need me for more than just your rebound