My Dearest Ashley

by lindzy   Apr 9, 2005

I Wanted to be happy
So I took the selfish path
I blew off what was right
And I’m dealing with your wrath

I thought for once in my life
Things just might work out
That maybe I deserved happiness
But now I have my doubt

If only you could give us
Your happy, joyful blessing
Instead of playing games
With my head you would stop messing

I love you, because you are my friend
And maybe I was wrong
To take the man that you adored
To think you could be strong

Strong and support us
Even though you once loved him
I thought you could get over it
That maybe it was just a whim

I suppose I thought wrong
Cuz it breaks you heart still
I can see it in your eyes
And I can see it in your will

Your will to life’s been taken
By your own best friend
All because you decided
That to me this guy you'd lend

Lend to make me happy
because you pitied me
But now my dear Ashley
It’s you who I pity

I pity the way I treated you
I know it wasn’t fair
But we both know that this guy
We could never share

So Ashley dear please tell me
What can and should I do?
To help you get on track again
So you can be happy too!


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Ley*~

    i never messed with your head dear lindsay, or if i did, i didnt mean to. but my love dont worry, i will move on, im almost there already, i love you too much to care about him. my blessing i give and hope that you both prospure together in happiness, forever and always.