The fighting still goes on ..

by Lauwraah   Apr 9, 2005


The fighting still goes on

Eyes are closed, and still they see
Caught up by memories, and somehow still free
Running away from the truth,
And still hating the lies
Healed by your soft touch,
And still left with a heart that cries
You pulled me back together, and still I fall apart
You made me deaf for the hard reality,
But still I hear the screams of my heart

Stars are shining upon us,
And still we're lost in the night
Stronger than we ever were,
And still too weak to win this fight
Putting trust out of everything they say,
And still words have failed us once again
We'll somehow win the hard battle of life
We just don't know yet, when

The satisfaction we got from faking smiles,
We both knew it couldn't last
What once would be our future,
Became a painful memorie of the past.
Our weakness is the strongest we'll ever feel
The unreality of our heart-rending sorrow,
Would be the only thing left that's real
The hurt we got from crying these tears,
Would be the only thing left to make us feel good
And the ones who always tore us down,
Would be the only ones who understood

But I believe that someday,
We'll be smart enough to understand
That dying wouldn't be a new start,
And living wouldn't be the end.
I'm convinced that someday,
Our broken wings will heal to fly
We could leave the unfailing sorrow behind,
And maybe make another try

When our world came crashing down,
And oceans of sadness almost made us drown
When there was left no smile to falsify,
And tears were no longer there to cry,
I remember, we still kept going
Even though sometimes we needed to hide
I remember, nothing could stop our hearts from beating
When we silently already were dead inside

It was, and will always be, just you and me
Against this world of fallacy
Even, when pain made us too blind to see
We still saw, that one day
It would be our turn to break free

.. But the fighting still goes on ..

[Soul-mates never die ..]


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