I'm fallin down, now
and you've pushed me
I'm breaking, now
you're the one that broke me
I'm aching now
cause you hurt me
I'm hurting
cause you just broke me
and you just step on the pieces
you have no idea
I would of given you everything
I would of said anything
and you have no idea
that because of you
I'm breaking to pieces
I'm aching so deep
I've fallen to my knees
I'm breaking
I'm just breaking
cause you broke me in half
and you have... no idea
and it's so sad
and I'm so mad
cause i still miss you
even though you hurt me
I want you back
and I hate myself for thinking that
and I have no idea
how to mend me back together again
and I have no idea
how to stop this ache
in me, it sinks
deeper and deeper
and I have no idea
how to get up off my knees
because of you
I have no idea how to do any of these things
you have no idea
what you've done to me