Slowly Fading

by Live Love Laugh   Apr 11, 2005

How does he forget about me
Why doesn't he attempt to call
That's the least he could do
Instead of making me crumble and fall

He sees my brother every weekend
Talks to him almost every day
Did I do something wrong
Please help, at least meet me half way

He couldn't; t even call for my birthday
Made up some lame excuse
Said you left a voice mail
Should I forgive? Nah, I refuse

I'm still waiting for that call
Calling won't resolve anything
You never have time for me
No time to do anything

You lost most of your kids
Now you're starting to lose me
I'm slipping away slowly
You going to save me, or let it be?


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by paul

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww hope every thing works out

  • 19 years ago

    by Milton

    Wow, sometimes I feel just the same. I know hard it can be, to be away from the one you want most. Good stuff.

  • 19 years ago

    by Arthur E Irving

    I love you tiff

  • 19 years ago

    by Lewis

    Pretty good

    How does he forget about me
    Why doesn't he attempt to call
    That's the least he could do
    Instead of making me crumble and fall

    He sees my brother every weekend
    Talks to him almost every day
    Did I do something wrong
    Please help, at least meet me half way

    He couldn't; t even call for my birthday
    Made up some lame excuse
    Said you left a voice mail
    Should I forgive? Nah, I refuse

    I'm still waiting for that call
    Calling won't resolve anything
    You never have time for me
    No time to do anything

    You lost most of your kids
    Now you're starting to lose me
    I'm slipping away slowly
    You going to save me, or let it be?

    overall i feel you, and you expressed yourself well. i couldnt find any exact structure u were following but i dont follow any at all so that worked well..

    oh and sorry your dad isnt there for u, i lost mine when i was 7 he died in a accedent... so i kinda know how u feel

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephanie

    About your dad.... I know how you feel. I can totally relate. Mine never calls for any birthdays.