A Sorry Letter

by JustAFoolInLove   Apr 12, 2005

You threw it in my face
And in just that second
Told me so many things
You never could in a day

With just one action
You let me know
I mean nothing to you;
All the truths I’ve told,
All the times I’ve cried,
Every moment I’ve spent
Worrying about you
Means nothing in your mind

Do you think I never cared?
That I ever meant to hurt
A friend I love
With all my heart
And never expected to betray me?

I mean nothing
When you are a world in my eyes,
I am nothing
And my title’s getting worse

Never in a hundred years
A thousand, or one million,
Did I ever think of hurting you
Of saying those wicked things
But I never knew
They would hurt so badly
And now I regret,
Knowing in my heart I have,
Breaking your world

I could beg for forgiveness
I could beg for you back
But I’ll simply write my sorry
In a letter addressed to hell
On an arm already covered
With my pleas for forgiveness

I hope you get this letter
To know how sorry I am
And to know I’ll never forget
What I did to you today


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Ahhhhhhh!! What a DARK poem but depressingly so true! The way you practically described your arm as a letter...-shiver- great. just great.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Missing Them Already*~

    OMG Zac, this is so amazing hun. I know Exactly how you feel!! Please don't do anything hun!! Its so not worth it. You're too amazing for that....even I know that and we've never talked!! please hun...hold tight!!! Please talk to me....not just if you need anything...but please, let me help!!
    Love always

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Missing Them Already*~

    OMG Zac, this is so amazing hun. I know Exactly how you feel!! Please don't do anything hun!! Its so not worth it. You're too amazing for that....even I know that and we've never talked!! please hun...hold tight!!! Please talk to me....not just if you need anything...but please, let me help!!
    Love always

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    oh, zac, this made me cry. please don't hurt yourself! i know things have been hard lately and you're not sure how you're going to get through it, but cutting will not help. i know i shouldn't be one to talk, but i'm really trying to stop now. i'm not going to stop for myself though. i'm stopping for you. please zac, do that same. stop for you. so many people love you and care for you in this world. i wish you were happy again but i just don't know what to do. all i can do is ask for you to stop and believe in yourself. so here it is. my plea for you to stop. please zac. please.

  • 19 years ago

    by troubled

    omg zac this made me cry! im still crying! plz dont hurt urself...so many ppl care about u. even if we get upset sometimes..we still love u w/ all our hearts!!! u've been worrying me a lot lately..plz remember u can always talk 2 me...
    luv ya,