Yesterday’s yesterday

by Red Tears Of The Soul   Apr 12, 2005

Trying to pull me up
out of the pain you left me
months ago.
I can’t seem to feel my legs
as my arms gave out
my body tricked me again.
Feeling this massive pain
that attacks the side of my skull
and my chest aches.
Can’t seem to see
but a blurry vision of
what’s in front of me.
Trying to stand with what
energy I have left and stagger
my way to the bathroom mirror.
Smearing my hand across its
foggy meshed face and
try to stand straight.
I look like dirt
no surprise as I try to
break a smile.
I feel dizzy again
and fall to my side
hitting the wall.
Trying to be normal as
I mend from yesterdays
worst hangover.
I down my depression with
every bottle and down all your
gifts of heartache with every shot.
I gulp a pill and drink
a cup as I try to forget
yesterday’s yesterday.

vote and comment please.


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  • Hey there, I liked this poem, it's different. And thanks for the tips on mine. =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Brooke

    That was awesome man! I really like it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Cut~Up~Angel

    Again this is another of your poems that is soooo full of emotion and is really heart wrenching. I hope that if it is based on true feelings that you are ok. Do you mind if i add you to my favourites because I love all your poetry.
    Lots of love Kate x~X~x

  • 19 years ago

    by undying blusher

    You forgot to say "please" but I'll comment anyhow...great job with the poem...only thing is I'm hoping it's not about yourself. As you probably know, drinking is only a temporary depressant...and when sober all the troubles are back...more troubles even.

    It had a nice flow and everything...


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