Letter to mom

by natashat   Apr 13, 2005

I can't believe you!!
how could you do this to me?
How can you pretend you care?
When there is so much you refuse to see!

I don't understand,
What goes on in your mind,
I'm on the brink of suicide,
and you still pretend that I'm fine,

Can't you see the scars,
Can't you see my tears,
You may think that this is just a phase,
But I have been going through this for years,

I hate this life,
I can't take anymore,
I refuse to pretend to be okay,
You'll know the truth when I'm lying dead on the floor,

Then you will say,
"but she always seemed so happy,
She had everything and more,
This had nothing to do with me!"

But really it is all your fault,
All I ever wanted was for you to love me for who I am,
But I was never good enough,
And you don't give a damn,

You drove me to this point,
I used to be happy I really did,
But you had to crush my dreams,
You had to treat me like I wasn't your kid,

All I ever wanted was your approval,
Is that to much to ask?
But I guess that doesn't matter now,
Because it is all in the past,

Guess what mom you finally got your wish,
I will soon be dead,
And just so you know I'll never forgive you,
for all the hurtful things you've said,

I'm done I can't take anymore,
I hate what I've become,
I hate you more for making me this way,
You took away everything fun,

So this is my suicide letter,
Written especially for you,
I think you are a monster,
How can you be so cruel,

I used to think that you were amazing,
You always knew what to do,
But the older I got I started to realize,
that I really HATE YOU!

I know that this isn't very good... but it is the way I feel right now... please comment and vote anything will help!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jen

    Wasn't good? That was AWESOME! I loved it! Great write! I hope u don't mind I'm adding u to my favorites! Great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by sara

    this poem was great....and i feel the same way about my mom too sometimes...great work...check out some of my poems sometime if you want...5/5...great job

  • 19 years ago

    by natashat

    thank you all for your comments they really help me

  • 19 years ago

    by Jessy

    Hey, i love this poem, Explains how i feel everyday when i wake up and shit. Mom always thinks ill make the right choices on my own and shes never there for me, always there for my brothers though..meh. Later

  • 19 years ago

    by Kristen

    I don't hate my mom, but I hate how she thinks I have to always do better then what I do...Theres never a good job kristen! its always "What? a b+! You should get an A!" Drives me crazy and it DOES hurt