Lady O' The Lake

by wayne t   Apr 13, 2005

It seems I've fought inner demons, wallowed in depression for years,
Always received my share of emotional support for thirty odd years,
For our partnership ended leaving me suspended in limbo yet again,
In last fading light of marriage, emotions ran rampant, cut throat at best,

Loneliness in marriage is truly surpassed by loneliness in a single life,
Solitude surrounded by silence once a friend, now a demon within me,
Instead of visions of new relationships, mind recalls what went wrong,
Laying blame accepting blame never knowing who, left feeling it was I,

Instinctually getting over pain, deeper menacing scares were inflamed,
Self esteem was questioned, self worth as a man callously defamed,
Recalling sexually unattractive the cutting edge of the sword I did die,
Not in a literal sense, for sexuality, passion, the eroticism they expired,

Succumbing to demons in mind I must admit, feeling safe in my own exile,
Despair turning into unbridled anger being my only defense of heart and soul,
Mind never relenting in reminding me of many faults that are entrained in me,
Visions of a woman, a relationship were as fleeting as a comet in the sky,

Countless hours spent staring across a lake pondering this debacle called life,
On a rather dark and gloomy winter's day, an image in the water beckons me,
An illusion from intoxication or becoming entranced as the water ripples about,
Seeing my face on the surface but startled by an image of a silver haired woman,

Coming forth out of the water she moves gracefully towards me arms reaching out,
Her beauty leaving me breathless but wanting to know what her intentions were,
Arms around my body she smiles giving a passionate kiss filling my soul with desire,
Feeling the weight of despair lifting off my shoulders and expecting another soft kiss,

Opening my eyes seeing her back disappearing into the lake as only ripples remain,
Thinking I've been left alone as in the past, a strange sensation is burning inside of me,
A desire for passion, sensual embraces, a partner to whom I can give my undying love,
Lady O' The Lake silver haired woman of passion where are you- I now have found you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by letosha

    your poetry is more like a book (very long)
    and you know that great books sometimes go unread because of the length.
    tone it down some!!!!