For you, I would have always been there

by tashhh   Apr 13, 2005

Please do me one favor, this is all I ask of you.
Forget I ever cared, that's all I want you to do.
I sat and thought about it, each and every day.
How much I loved you, and how I couldn't let it lay.
You never really cared, and nothing I said mattered.
You ripped my heart out, and then it shattered.
With peices everywhere, tears ran down my face.
Knowing my life was over, slowing my steady pace.
You hurt me so much, and you didn't care.
For you, I would have always been there.
You never really got it, never understood.
How horrible my life was, or my lonely childhood.
I tried explaining to you, you were all I had.
You didn't listen, made me cry, and that just made you glad.
You were very heartless, but I didn't care.
For you, I would have always been there.
Now that you've finally told me, and now that I understand.
I pick up the knife, with my sweaty hand.
The words ringing in my ears..."you're just an obsessed freak, leave me alone."
Crying, I slowly picked up the phone.
Dialed your number, and said "I'm sorry for caring.
It was something I did, just daring.
Thinking maybe you would love me too,
Cause I had nothing else.
But I was wrong, you didn't help.
So just forget that I care.
For you, I would have always been there.
But my friend, it's too late.
I find this is my new fate."
Hanging up the phone, I take the knife.
And slowly, begin to end my life.
One cut, two cuts, three cuts, four.
Just wanting more and more.
Watching the blood drip down my pale arm.
Loving the feeling of self-harm.
Slowly the blood began a puddle.
With me on the floor, in a huddle.
Ready to die.
Sick of even trying to try.
I drop the knife in sudden pain.
This is all such a shame.
I never thought it would end like this.
I can't believe I thought you, I would kiss.
But here's to what I thought was true.
I got to end my life because of you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by stephalee

    this is really good!!!!! thnx 4 the comment on my poem and no its not true to me it happened 2 1 of my friends and i put myself in her position

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