The Love of My Life

by Amit   Apr 14, 2005

What this life may bring next,
I'm not anyone who can foresay.
Just be with me, and we'd try
& our love will never fade away.

You are the dream of my life,
who told me what true love is.
You're the gift God gave me,
I'll love you always,I promise.

When I will be wedded to you,
It'll be the best day for me.
When you'd be my loving bride
and I'd be your adorable hubby.

You'll dress up in red saaree*
& wear my golden wedding ring.
It'll be joyous moment to you,
tears of happiness it'll bring.

Our day dreaming will be over,
I'll see you every day& night,
I'll whisper "I love you" and
wrap my arms around you tight.

When I will come home tired &
at the door, you'll wait for me.
I'll give you a gentle kiss and
We'll have our evening coffee.

Life will be full of happiness,
We will have kids, one or two.
We will spend hours together,
sharing pain & laughters too.

You'll be my princess Cinderella
& your prince of dreams I'd be.
We'll share moments together,
and write our own love story.

We will own a beautiful house,
filled with peace and our love.
Where we'll live together forever,
with his blessings from above.

A home of our sweetest dreams,
& a place of unmatchable worth.
With love so divine, it will be
a heaven upon the planet earth.

* saaree is a traditional Indian dress that brides wear on the wedding day.


it was the poem i wrote for nidhi, the love of my life, my would be wife. we've completed 100 days of being together in love on 18th this month...

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  • 17 years ago

    by Hidden1

    This is Wonderful, well written and I can feel that it's from the heart. I can feel every emotion in this. Well done and this too brought tears to my eyes. I love it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Another Dreamer

    That was beyond words! You are amazing. And Nidhi is very lucky to have you. Good luck to the both of you. Keep writting. I'll be checking for some new poems by you ofton. Again, great job.

  • 19 years ago

    by roseanna

    It touches my heart that a guy can be as loving and kind-hearted as women. You seem like a caring person (I base this from your poems). I wish you the best of luck with you and your special girl. Great job. Well done.

  • 19 years ago

    by Mansi

    I jus logged in after a long,long time .....lovely poem Amit!I like d way u put ur imagination in words...

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda Bee

    Great job Amit! As usual your poetry keeps me smiling:)