A mermaids broken heart

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Apr 14, 2005

Through the tides
And swirling waves
Hides deep below
A mermaids cave

Beyond that cave
Is where she lies
Alone in that cave
Is where she cry’s

She carries the burden
Of a torn broken heart
From the lover who left her
And tore her apart

Now there she hides
Away from all life
Only ever leaving
When day turns to night

Forever alone
Forever in pain
For his love
Was not hers to claim

So there she will wait
With her long flowing hair
Dreaming of a lover
Who’s no longer there

She left her fins
Just to walk
But then forever
She could not talk

So therefor
He could not hear
So she couldn't telll him
Of her fear

No one knew
And she could not say
That a man would try to kill
Her lover that day

Though he did not die
He thought he had been betrayed
He thought it was the mere girl
So he made her his slave

She could not explain
Or try to deny
She could only make the sound
Of a lonely helpless cry

So one day she escaped
Hoping no was saw her
And soon she returned
To the cave in the water

Now there still
Is where she’ll remain
Forever alone
Forever in pain

Sorry it’s not great, but I was bored in business studies and decided to write this


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kayanna

    Actuallly it is pretty great! i love it!!

  • 19 years ago

    by B4BY BLU3 X

    Hey its good! Dont put your poems down like that, its really good! xx

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