How do you think I feel?
Ridiculed to death
I try to raise my selfesteem
But there is just nothing left
It's like wanting to stare down the barrel of a semi-automatic
Feeling anything but fantastic
Yeah thats me in the black jacket
the one with no friends
I was alone all the time
You guys made fun of me
So I committed a self crime
One to hurt me
Never to any of you
I was tortured day in day out
Never knew what you guys were gonna do
Did you ever think that maybe we could have been friends?
You'd have been my first
But now my time has come to an end
It's called suicide
and it's a selfish thing
Dont think for a second that I cherish my decision of self imprisonment
The torment in my life
I used a gun
cuase it was quicker than a knife
So as you grow older
is it colder?
Or are you still all the same
Getting your kicks from someone else's misfortune
Someone else's pain
If so that makes me sick
There is always time to change
Look back at your lives and try to rearange
Did you know that there's other people like me?
Ones that are loners, wishing they could be
The popular ones
Making fun of you
I bet you never thought of it like that
Well, It's true
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