In Blood

by JustAFoolInLove   Apr 15, 2005

I miss the blade
Which I no longer crave
With the vigor I once did;
It’s almost a burden, now.
I don’t feel the need
Nearly as much anymore
Ever since this devil entered my throat

I curse the demon
For, thus, healing me
For bringing me down
From the altar of sacrifice;
It couldn’t just let me die,
Just let the knife pry my ribs apart

I scram at these walls
For holding me in this hell,
For swallowing all doors,
Every means of escape,
Into their satanic beings

So I write my letter
To nail to the gates of Hades’ dwelling
To tell him to cease this tormenting

Each word I write
Is stronger than the last,
Written in deeper crimson ink;
Each word is from deep within me.
Written in the ink of my veins,
Which has passed through every inch of my body

I’m sending my resignation, perhaps,
From a life I was never meant to live
To let my symbolic employer know
I’m quitting for good,
Never going to return to this blood bath

I am shaking,
From my crying eyes
To the tips of my toes,
And the shivers within
Only teach me to hold my knife more steadily

The blade across my wrist
Is moving fast
And my life is slipping even faster
As time itself has betrayed me
And is no longer willing
To wait for the concluding signature
Made in the deepest shade of red,
To end my letter of resignation
From times I just cannot stand


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  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    I think, that if you tried, you could send this entire site with tears just describing the pain you know so well.

    As a cutter...i remember the pain of the knife was to an extent unbearable, even if it did become a necessity after a while. The pain is so intense, and you..I know, would have no problem writing about it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Sick.&.Tired.Of.Waiting

    Beautifully done and there's nothing more to say except I wish you came back to this site more. A lot more, actually.

    Missing you tons.
    Inspirational poem and almost exactly how I feel at the moment.

    Can you even remember ever feeling like this?



  • 19 years ago

    by Vicious Tragedy â„¢

    So... you quit cutting? If you did that's great... but u must understand that doing things that u have done isn't much better... you know what I'm talking about... just be careful.

  • 19 years ago

    by Hoover

    Good Poem! i really liked it. Keep up the good work!

  • 19 years ago

    by A Broken Bleeding Soul

    great poem.... i just read all of your poems and i really can say that you are truely talented... i'm very impressed 5/5 all of your poems remind me of myself

    Please take some time to read my poems as well... i would really appreciate it

    ~ Tina