Please God,don't delay

by Phoenixgoddess   Apr 17, 2005

God, what have I done to make you hate me?
I'm your child, you gave me a life,but you do not hear my screams.
Are you super busy? Are you depressed? Are you mad?
Please don't take your feelings out on me, it makes me utterly sad.

I wish to live a good life, or at least give me death,
Give me something good, so I don't suffer my every breath.
I have a question for you father, is that okay?
Why do you make me face so much pain everyday?

I believe in you, for as long as I can remember,
I even celebrate your son's birthday every December.
So why do you make me face hell, when I have done nothing wrong?
Now all I think about is death, is living where I belong?

Was I suppose to die a long time ago, but somehow skipped my death?
Am I to suffer now?Because father, I have nothing left.
Please help me a little, send one of your angels if you must,
I need someone to help me keep living only because,

You gave me more pain then I can handle, please take some away.
If you do, then i won't feel as bad every single day.
If I have done something wrong, please I'm begging, let me know,
Because soon I'll be too broken to continue living, death is where I'll go.

You don't even have to speak, just write a letter, or send someone.
It would help me greatly, it will help me from self-harm.
I'm praying to you Lord, please give me the life I need to continue,
I am dry of tears, and I'm tired, so close to being through.

How long do I have to wait?
Soon I'll just give up, it would be too late.
You know, I stopped cutting because I thought it'd make you happy,
So please grant one thing to me,
Let me feel happiness in a good life please,
I need to feel love, my only emotional need.

I'm on my knees, begging to you,
Please help me father, my life needs to be true.
So as I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I die before I wake,
I'll thank God, for finally taking my life away.


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  • 19 years ago

    by zadyrose

    hey good poem im not an angel thats for sure and i think god hates me to but if you ever need to talk email me at keep your chin up and check out some of my poems if you like