And He Will Burn

by Emma Carnage   Apr 18, 2005

You opened up tonight
And shared a part of your past
That you’ve kept secret so long
A shadow in your mind
That will never see light

I feel closer to you now
But at the same time
Even farther away
Now I feel like I can never help
Because I’ve never felt that pain
I want to help you endlessly

How could someone do that
To such a wonderful soul?
Now I feel anger
Rushing all around me
And instead of myself
I want to hurt him

I want him to feel
What he did to you
How many nights did it happen?
If you tell me then I’ll keep score
And he will pay everything back
But with an interest so great
Only his soul will pay the price

He will rot in Hell
For what he did to you
Perhaps you forgave him
But I am not as kind
And will remember forever
What you said tonight

You are an innocent
Dragged into a world of sin
And he’s all to blame
That is why he is going to burn
While you live on
And once your time has come
You will go to Heaven
While he’s still in Hell

Don’t tell me I’m overreacting
There’s no such word
When it comes to this
He laid a hand on you
And now his soul is damned
My one main regret
Is that I will not be there
To see his soul burn


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bleeding_Red_Fallen_Angel

    Wow, you must have some strong feelings about this someone that did something to someone you love. I'm sorry. Great poem. >3jess

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    I know what you meant... I tried to sound calm, you know, for him. I didn't want to freak him out or anything... But God, this world is so cruel. I... I used to witness rape, you know, all the time, with my real dad... I don't remember if I was ever a victim. I was real young, only two or three, so i wouldn't remember. But I know how it feels to be abused... to have your abuser control your life. It sucks. I really hope he'll tell someone of authority... for Cam, for himself.

  • That is such a sweet poem. You should show him that, if he hasn't already seen it. Good job.

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    i know. i wouldn't have been able to do that. i sound like such a hateful b itch in this poem, but i am when it comes to that. this poem doesn't even begin to cover everything i felt when i read that. it doesn't have all the tears and all the shaking. i've never felt that much anger and hatred towards one person. i've never wanted somebody to burn in hell. until last night.

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    I know who/what this is about. And I must say, I hope the same thing. I just can't believe he kept it in that long.